CAP is predominantly funded by alcohol retailers and producers although we do also secure funding for local projects from other sources such as Police and Crime Commissioner funds.

CAP is currently seeking additional investment in order to achieve the transition from a programme with significant impact but at a local level to one with national impact.


Currently there are two ways to fund CAP

Providing financial support to people experiencing poverty at a time of crisis

National support

CAP funders invest in CAP partnerships across the country

Regional support

For those companies with a strong regional presence

CAP has launched over 300 CAPs in 15 years with 140 active CAPs and a launch rate of 20-25 new CAPs per annum. We have made particularly good progress in Scotland as evidenced by our Progress through Partnership report.

CAPs launched


CAPs launched in 15 years


Active CAPs


New CAPs per year

CAPs achieve significant impact across a range of key metrics including average 64% reductions in underage drinking; 98% compliance with Challenge 25; and 42% reductions in youth alcohol-related anti-social behaviour. CAP successfully navigated COVID without losing any funders, retaining growth (albeit at a lower rate) and continuing to support all our partnerships online.

The model itself proved resilient to the changes brought about by COVID with alcohol education and youth outreach offered virtually during lockdown and additional support for young people’s mental as well as physical health and wellbeing.

CAP represents extremely good value for money. Our model leverages significant local resource who effectively run and manage local partnerships. Our direct funding also leverages significant match and pooled funding for local projects from local partners. We have a small and highly experienced team who have succeeded in delivering phenomenal growth focused on delivering tangible outcomes.  CAP is also low risk with an experienced board and management and proven processes and has a bold roll out programme which will leave a national footprint and lasting legacy.

Our impact in numbers



Average reduction in regular drinking among 13-16 year olds



Pass rates in Challenge 25 following CAP training



Reduction in alcohol related anti-social behaviour

Source: CAP Annual Report 2023, 29th June 2023