CAP’s evaluation framework was developed by London Metropolitan University. It provides a means for CAP schemes to measure their performance against key objectives.
The framework incorporates a number of SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely) targets and is based on a clear theory of change which flows logically between aims and objectives, proposed activities and desired outcomes. The framework is reviewed at regular intervals.
Since 2013, all CAP schemes have been required to carry out a baseline evaluation against the CAP evaluation framework or another agreed set of measures. At the end of the project, and sometimes mid-term, further evaluations will be carried out. School surveys may be carried out annually where alcohol education is being carried out.
We ask CAP schemes to collect data for the following five indicators, both pre-CAP (baseline) and at the end of the initial 18-24 month period:
- Attempted purchase by under-18s (measured via licensee surveys).
- Proxy purchase (measured via licensee surveys).
- Alcohol-related anti-social behaviour among under-18s (measured via residents’ surveys and police crime data).
- Levels of alcohol consumption for 13-16 year olds (measured via school surveys).
- Parents’ attitudes to supplying alcohol to children (measured via surveys of parents of teenagers).
Our impact in numbers
Reduction in regular drinking among 13-16 year olds
Pass rates in Challenge 25 following CAP training
Reduction in alcohol related anti-social behaviour
reduction in residents reporting children and young people drinking in public places to be a “very big” or “fairly big” problem
Source: CAP Annual Report 2023, 29th June 2023
CAP has launched over 300 CAPs in 15 years with 140 active CAPs and a launch rate of 20-25 new CAPs per year. We have made particularly good progress in Scotland as evidenced by our Progress through Partnership report.
CAPs launched
CAPs launched in 15 years
Active CAPs
New CAPs per year