At Child Action North West (CANW) we're always looking for new ways of engaging with young people, and our latest project is helping children and young people in Year 7 and 8 make informed choices about their futures.

So, what makes this project stand out? We’re using virtual reality (VR) headsets to place young people in realistic, life-like scenarios where they can interact with characters and make decisions in a safe, controlled environment. It’s about more than just tech, though —it’s about helping young people understand that their actions have consequences and equipping them with the tools to navigate those challenges wisely.  

Through VR, students will face scenarios related to issues like substance misuse and alcohol, learning in real-time how different choices lead to different outcomes. This is more than just a simulation—it’s an early intervention approach that steers young people away from criminalisation and substance misuse before they even become risks.

The Power of Interactive Learning

What’s truly exciting about this project is how it marries technology with education. Each decision made within the VR environment links directly to a workshop tailored for that individual. These workshops aren’t just about learning—they’re about opening up discussions, identifying underlying issues, and giving young people the space to reflect on their choices.

But we’re not stopping there. We believe that young people should have a voice in their education, which is why a key component of this project is the opportunity for students to write, storyboard, and plan their own VR programme. This isn’t just about creating a game—it’s about teaching transferrable skills and opening up potential career pathways. Through this process, students will develop skills in creativity, leadership, computing, design, drama, creative writing, collaboration, and communication.

At the heart of this project is a simple belief: young people deserve to be heard. By involving them in every step of the process, from storyboarding to final design, we’re not only teaching valuable skills but also fostering a sense of trust and responsibility. We want these young people to feel listened to, to know that their ideas matter, and to empower them to express their messages in a way that’s meaningful to them.

This project is more than just a learning tool—it’s a platform for young people to explore their potential, discover new interests, and build a foundation for their future.

A special thank you to CAP for their invaluable support and funding, which makes innovative projects like this possible.