Our letter can be read below:

Dear candidate,


As we approach the upcoming general election, I am reaching out to you on behalf of Community Alcohol Partnerships (CAP) to invite you to join our efforts to provide an alcohol-free childhood for children and young people.

Children and young people who start drinking early in life are more likely to become frequent and binge drinkers with underage drinking associated with school and educational problems, unprotected sex, consumption of drugs, violence and are four-times more likely to experience alcohol harm as an adult. Public Health England (PHE) has calculated that every £1 invested in early interventions to prevent the misuse of alcohol and drugs equates to a potential £5-8 benefit.


Our vision is to help shape a society in which communities work in partnership to ensure that children do not drink alcohol and where young adults display responsible attitudes towards alcohol. What that means in reality is:

  • Reducing health inequalities as our interventions are targeted according to each unique community.
  • Prioritising our work in communities that lie in areas of high social deprivation.
  • Increasing life chances of children and young people given that alcohol misuse is associated with higher levels of school exclusion, lower grades and poorer employment prospects.
  • Reducing the levels of crime and anti-social behaviour within communities and alcohol-related violence especially in the area of violence against women and girls.

We currently have almost 280 CAPs established across the UK. Our approach is evidence-based and tailored to each unique community empowering them to address alcohol-related issues effectively.


According to our data, unfortunately the current levels of alcohol-harm in your constituency are above the average norm for the country. This is something that can be fixed.

We are asking for your support to fix this within your constituency and not just there, but across the entire country.

We are committed to working with policy makers from all parties to achieve our goals. By pledging to work with CAP, you will be endorsing a proven model for reducing alcohol-related harm, supporting local businesses, and promoting responsible drinking habits among children and young people.

We deliver our approach by focusing primarily on:

  • Positive and diversionary activities for children and young people.
  • Responsible retail strategies for local business.
  • Alcohol education.
  • Safer drinking for children and young people.


To do so requires partnership across many partners such as the Police, major retailers, the corner shop, schools, youth groups, trading standards and licensing authorities to name but a few.


By pledging your support for CAP, you will be demonstrating your commitment to the well-being of your constituents and the communities you represent. We believe that by working together, we can make a significant difference in creating safer environments for everyone, especially for children and young people.


We ask you to sign our pledge of support for an alcohol-free childhood and your support for the work of CAP. Your endorsement will send a powerful message to your constituents that you value the children and young people in your constituency.


Please let us know if you have any questions or if you would like to discuss this further. We look forward to hearing from you and counting on your support.


Yours sincerely,


Audrey Eager

Public Affairs & Marketing Manager

Promoted on behalf of Community Alcohol Partnerships, Unit 9, Baden Place, Crosby Row, London, SE1 1YW