A few weeks ago, Plymouth CAP held their first event and epitomised all that a CAP can be!
The venue (a large TESCO car park) was selected as it is often the chosen spot to hang out for large groups of young people- taking CAP activity to a space that is accessible and familiar.
The selection of activities at the event were varied and engaging, from graffiti workshops to keep fit and football. To ensure this positive engagement is not a ‘flash in the pan’ all the activity providers handed out leaflets and information to encourage the young people to come and join in with their local, regular sessions. When the young people lamented to the Gym Manager that they had to be sixteen to attend the regular sessions, the partners quickly got to work at the event planning how they could provide an alternative for younger teens. These special sessions are going to be held in the TESCO car park, staffed by the gym, and potentially funded by the local housing association’s health and well-being budget- this was partnership in action!
All of the 40 or so young people that attended the event engaged really positively, even though some of them are known to have been involved in anti-social behaviour in the past. Through TESCO and all the other partners putting in some time and energy to create this event for them, the young people responded and it felt like bridges were built.
Building trust and bridges, coupled with positive activities, were the event's key objectives. An unexpected benefit also arose through the opportunity the event presented for the CAP partners to catch up and network. Partners from TESCO, the police, Plymouth Argyle, Plymouth Council, Discovery College, and Plymouth Community Homes came together and throughout the evening conversations took place around future CAP events and initiatives. Following a debrief meeting, these ideas have now been formally incorporated into the CAP’s plans.
An event can take a little planning, but if all the partners take shared responsibility they can be pulled off with relative ease.
For any CAPs considering running a similar event- go for it!