An innovative new Community Alcohol Partnership highlighting the risks of underage drinking to children and young people has launched in Pendle. 

The launch took place today 22 May 2024.  

Community Alcohol Partnerships (CAPs) are made up of partnerships between local authorities, young people services, police, schools, retailers and health providers who work together to highlight the risks of underage drinking and improve the health and wellbeing of local children and young people.   

Pendle CAP is led by Pendle Youth Forum which facilitates collaboration and coordination among various agencies and organisations working with young people across Pendle. 

 CAPs provide alcohol-free activities for young people and encourage conversation about underage drinking and the risks associated with it. They also work with local schools to educate young people about underage drinking and ensure that they are equipped to make the right decisions about issues such as alcohol and drugs and anti-social and criminal behaviour.   

In addition, CAPs work with local retailers to help them avoid making underage sales and reduce ‘proxy’ sales where adults buy alcohol for under-18s.  

Partners in the Pendle CAP include: Positive Action in the Community (PAC), Pendle Borough Council, CYAG, Lancashire Police, Lancashire County Council, Active Lancashire, Pendle Yes Hub, InSitu, Ernest Cook Trust, Burnley FC in the Community and Lancashire BME Network.

Claire Bennett, Chair of Pendle Youth Forum said “This partnership is a very welcome addition to the Pendle Youth Forum. It is incredibly important that we do all we can to ensure that young people have positive opportunities and tools to make the best choices for themselves – education around alcohol is key to this especially during their transition to adulthood.” 

Sarah Astin-Wood, Head of Policy and Commissioning for Pendle Borough Council, said: “It’s fantastic to be part of this new partnership - it’s so important that we educate children and young people about the risks of underage drinking. 

"Pendle Community Alcohol Partnership will be a key link with our Youth Forum and Community Safety Partnership as we support young people to have the best start in life."

Kate Winstanley, Director of CAP said “We know from extensive research that underage drinking can lead to school and educational problems, as well as unsafe sex, drug-taking, violence and drinking problems in later life.” 

‘We also know that the work CAPs do in local communities can lead to significant reductions in alcohol supply to children, alcohol-related anti-social behaviour and underage street drinking in local communities. It’s great to see local partners coming together in this new CAP to highlight the risks of underage drinking and reduce alcohol harm among our young people.” 

She continued: “We are proud to be a part of the great work that the youth forum does and are looking forward to making an impact in the local community.” 

For media information, please contact: Samantha Patel, Communications Manager: